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Axis recruits in France 3’s “Employment” section

Axis appeared on the 19/20 news on France 3 Limousin.

Find out more about our company in this report. Here you’ll meet our young, dynamic team who are passionate about their work.

Our technologies, finishes, materials and know-how are also shown in this video, with some of our team members even having the chance to testify in front of the camera.

We’re in a period of recruitment, as the number of requests is growing daily, and we want to remain competitive on lead times, because Axis specializes in rapid prototyping, not just3D printing.

We need manpower and we’re counting on you. So get the word out and spread the word.

france 3

Axis and its professionalism

You will observe the manufacture of certain parts by means of the Stereolithography the process Multi Jet Fusion HP or the vacuum casting with the release of polymerized, sintered or duplicated parts; and discover the working methods of Axis from the drawing up of a cost estimate (based on a set of specifications) to the finishing touches.

The renderings are as close to reality as possible, because since 1997, when the company was founded, our model-makers have had the experience and hindsight necessary to produce the most accurate, realistic and realistic renderings prototypes and models with more than realistic finishes, sometimes even more impeccable than industrialized objects produced by injection molding, for example.

One of our strengths is that we’ve been in the business for over 20 years, and we have the experience to bounce back at any time during the development of the 3D printed prototype or model.

Here is the link to the video that we retrieved and uploaded to our YouTube page:


We hope you enjoy your viewing…